Thursday, 9 March 2017

Emergency shelter, fully enclosed tent with floor in less then 3 min, from 2x3 tarp

This is updated video of how to make an emergency shelter from single 2x3 sheet (tarp). If done properly it can replace brand tent/bivvi, its done in less then 3 min and costs about £2. The weight with the poles (can be used walking stick, too) is half to one kilogram. Also the tarp can be used as hammock, rain-cape, etc.

It is one of the things that everybody interested in surviving and travelling through the wilderness must know how to do. This is updated video of how to make an emergency shelter from single 2x3 sheet (tarp). If done properly it can replace brand tent/bivvi, its done in less then 3 min and costs about £2. The weight with the poles (can be used walking sticks instead) is half to one kilogram. Also the tarp can be used as hammock, rain-cape, etc.

It is one of the things that everybody interested in surviving and travelling through the wilderness must know how to do.

Also, another set up with a square tarp and one pole.

Below you can see the correct proportions, so if anybody wants to do it in higher quality version.

A fold to give sense of shape and proportion
Folded paper model, "d" is where one of the supporting stick will be fixed and the other one will be on the opposite  side
Folded model, side view

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