Thursday, 4 August 2016

Visit to The God's Bridge (Bozhiyat Most), natural formation in Bulgaria

This natural formation is a bridge like arch situated in the western parts of the Balkan Mountains, not far from the village Lilyache, from where is easy to be reached by car or foot. Also there are ruins of old stone walls and several well marked routes suitable for walking.

With couple of words this place is pretty interesting, but not well known and often overlooked as touristic attraction, but regardless Ill recommend it highly to any visitor in that part of the country.

Bellow Ill post also short video from the nearby village from which The Gods Bridge can reached easily by car or foot.

The path leading to the arch
One of the side routes which leads to the brook below
Small shaded table for a moment of rest
Some of the mini-caves around the arch
Detail from the arch Bozhiyat Most (The God's Bridge)
Under The God's Bridge (Bozhi Most)
Small fountain in the centre of the nearby village Lilyache
Old school (still in use) in Lilyache
Another view from the centre of Lilyache
Cute small lake-like pool with toy bridge in the centre of Lilyache
Banks with shade in Lilyache

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